Richard Cincotta
His current research focuses on the demographic and age-structural transitions, and he has published on their relationships to the politics of ethno-religious change, to the onset of civil conflict, to regime type and political stability, to natural resource dynamics, and to population policies. His publications on these topics appear in Foreign Policy, Current History, Nature and Science. Dr. Cincotta has lived and worked abroad for more than 10 years in Sub-Saharan Africa, East Asia, South Asia, North Africa, Western Europe, Australia, and Canada, including five years in field research positions in Morocco, India, and China. Prior to his PhD in population ecology (Colorado State University, 1986) and post-doctoral research in anthropology, he served in the US Navy in communications intelligence (1969-73).
Dr. Cincotta contributed to the National Intelligence Council’s prior global futuring exercise, Global Trends 2025: A Transformed World (2009) [on the web at], and to the Geneva Declaration Secretariat’s Global Burden of Armed Violence [on the web at:]. His latest article on the relationship between demography and liberal democracy appears in an edited volume entitled: “Political Demography: How Population Changes Are Reshaping International Security and National Politics” (available through Oxford University Press).